I am a data scientist trained in statistical ecology. I have degrees in conservation biology, marine biology and oceanography but now work in the financial services sector as park of a great team.
I worked for many years in web development, client and server side, and have a good working knowledge of various server architecture stacks and have experience in numerous scripting languages. I've found that the combination of my IT experience and science skills and mindset has prepared me well for a career in data science.
My other hobbies include photography and occasionally some surfing. Unfortunately there don't seem to be enough hours in the day to do all the odds and ends I want to and so work and family are my primary focus.
I also love the outdoors and an a bit of a bird nerd. I find birds beautiful and fascinating and love watching them and trying (and usually failing) to photograph them. Some of these posts will probably be pretty random photos of birds. I strive to be a good naturalist, and at this rate that will take the rest of my life. That's fine with me.
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